SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Sugar River landowner dinner

By Topf Wells

Let’s hope 13 is the Sugar River’s lucky number.  Thirteen landowners on the Sugar River and some key tributaries attended a dinner sponsored by SWTU, the Dane County Land and Water Resources Department, and the DNR, on the evening of April 16 at the Verona Public Library.  The purpose was to acquaint the landowners about the County’s trout stream easement program and the status of the fisheries in those streams.  Our hopes are that some (what the heck, we hope all) the landowners will consider selling the County easements that permit public fishing and stream restoration.

Dinner was provided by our Chapter with the most welcome financial assistance of the Badger Fly Fishers.  Pat Hasburgh bought, cooked, and served the food.  With a menu of pulled pork, cole slaw, macaroni and cheese, bbq beans, and brownies, everyone left full and happy.  Dan Oele of the DNR gave an excellent presentation on the fish of the Sugar River and Sara Rigelman provided concise and direct information on the easement program.  Both answered questions.  Several landowners from these watersheds who had sold easements to the County or DNR spoke of their satisfaction with the program and also answered questions.

Several landowners have already indicated their interest in having discussions about the easements.  Fingers crossed that by the end of the year we’ll have more public fishing opportunities on the Sugar and its tribs.

Thanks to Pat, Mary Ann Doll and Topf Wells of our Chapter; to Sara Rigelman, Sharene Smith, and Curt Diehl of Dane County; Dan Oele and Alex Bentz of the DNR; and landowners Steve Haak and Becky Olson and  Marsha Ralston-Edlinger and Mike Edlinger for all their work on a very special evening.