By Tina Murray
Not only do we have a Women’s Basics and a Women’s Intermediate Clinic each June, we have a group of over 50 women who have become Riverbuddies and mentor other women on their first experience on the water from the Basics clinic. To our knowledge we are the only TU chapter offering a clinic specifically for women to learn how to take other women out on the stream. Congratulations to everyone! The support our clinics have from our membership makes these some of the best clinics in the US and definitely in the Midwest!
Tina is pictured at right with a celebratory cake. 
The following photos show the over 100 individuals who helped with the Women’s Fly Fishing Clinics in June. Not shown are the nearly 100 more who contributed behind the scenes with flies, gear, donations and more! Thank you everyone for making the SWTU Wisconsin Women’s Fly Fishing Clinics a nationally recognized quality opportunity for women to learn how to fly fish.

Our new women fly fishers from the basics clinic 2019 and their Instructors.

Our WOWSC-i crew (Intermediate) Women and the Guides who mentored them 3 different times on the stream over a day and a half. Over 50 people participated in this clinic.

These are the women who make the clinics happen! Riverbuddies, Instructors and Organizers! Over 30 women each year help make this an amazing experience for everyone each year.
And look! Fish pictures.

Looking forward to next year’s clinics
Basics June 19- 21st, 2020
Women’s on the Water Intermediate (Wowsc-i) June 17 – 19th, 2020
Riverbuddy Clinic Friday June 19 & 20, 2020
Contact info is
Registration info will be available in the October Newscasts.
The Wisconsin Women’s Fly Fishing Clinics Celebrated 10 Years of building Amazing Women Fly Fishers
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Last Updated: November 6, 2019 by Drew Kasel
By Tina Murray
Not only do we have a Women’s Basics and a Women’s Intermediate Clinic each June, we have a group of over 50 women who have become Riverbuddies and mentor other women on their first experience on the water from the Basics clinic. To our knowledge we are the only TU chapter offering a clinic specifically for women to learn how to take other women out on the stream. Congratulations to everyone! The support our clinics have from our membership makes these some of the best clinics in the US and definitely in the Midwest!
Tina is pictured at right with a celebratory cake.
The following photos show the over 100 individuals who helped with the Women’s Fly Fishing Clinics in June. Not shown are the nearly 100 more who contributed behind the scenes with flies, gear, donations and more! Thank you everyone for making the SWTU Wisconsin Women’s Fly Fishing Clinics a nationally recognized quality opportunity for women to learn how to fly fish.
Our new women fly fishers from the basics clinic 2019 and their Instructors.
Our WOWSC-i crew (Intermediate) Women and the Guides who mentored them 3 different times on the stream over a day and a half. Over 50 people participated in this clinic.
These are the women who make the clinics happen! Riverbuddies, Instructors and Organizers! Over 30 women each year help make this an amazing experience for everyone each year.
And look! Fish pictures.
Looking forward to next year’s clinics
Basics June 19- 21st, 2020
Women’s on the Water Intermediate (Wowsc-i) June 17 – 19th, 2020
Riverbuddy Clinic Friday June 19 & 20, 2020
Contact info is
Registration info will be available in the October Newscasts.
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Category: Event Recap, Women's Fishing Clinic
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