SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

A message from our Treasurer

Please click on this link to view our Chapter’s Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2020 & 2019, the Statement of Activity for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 and the fiscal year 2021 Operating Budget.

The Chapter had an excellent year in F/Y 2020, generating over $59,000 in revenue. This was due in large part to a successful 50th Anniversary Fundraising Appeal and some very generous donations from individuals, company partners and foundations. In addition, our annual Icebreaker raised $4,300 for the Chapter despite unfavorable weather conditions the day of the event. Expenses totaled $35,019 resulting in a net surplus of just over $24,000 for the year; a new record for the Chapter.

Please note that for fiscal year 2021, we are budgeting a net deficit of $27,412. The main reason for this deficit is that we are planning to spend over $28,000 on Stream Improvement Projects. In other words, we are spending the surplus gained in F/Y 2020, along with some of our reserves, to protect and restore trout streams in Southern Wisconsin and improve the fishing experience for anglers along these streams. Please see the April edition of Newscasts for a detailed list of planned projects and how these funds will be used. Program expenses and donations to other organizations are also expected to be higher in F/Y 2021.

Our Balance Sheet is stronger than ever with total assets of $149,113 and no liabilities. We had over $82,000 in cash on hand as of March 31, 2020 and $66,788 in our Endowment Fund. Approximately $50,000 (it changes daily) of the Endowment Fund is now being managed by the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin. Although the Fund took a hit in the first quarter of this year, as did most investment portfolios, we are confident that the funds are being managed effectively and will generate positive growth over the long term.

If you have any questions about the F/Y 2020 financial results or the F/Y 2021 Budget, please feel free to contact me at Tparker23@charter.net.

— Tom Parker