By Topf Wells
On November 6, SWTU completed another productive and safe workday and saw a massive stream restoration in the process.
We cleared small to large box elders from the upper end of the County’s restoration of Badger Mill Creek near the Park and Ride lot and the Ice Age Trail on the east (north? northeast?) end of Verona. The aim is to assist the County in creating a much healthier creek corridor with native grasses and flowers instead of the box elders. And maybe some oaks or hardwoods more desirable than the box elders?
We had a great turnout. We needed excellent sawyers and some of our best showed up. We had 12-15 haulers and a wonderfully skilled skid steer operator. Such a machine saves time and backs. Many thanks to Mike Krause for bringing and running the skid steer.
The mix of boxelders included some half dead and/or with twisted trunks. Jim was rightly concerned about safety and spent several hours clearly marking trees that should be cut. This preparation provided much needed and clear direction to everyone on the project. The sawing and hauling were the best spaced and safest I’ve seen on a SWTU workday.
We felled and hauled well over a dozen trees and more reclamation work should be much easier. The County’s stream work features excavation and log/brush sills. They narrow the creek substantially. It will be interesting to watch the scouring that should take place. Trout habitat has improved by a factor of 5, 10, 20 – you name it.
The project is nearly complete but may take another two weeks or so.
We had a diverse turnout. Two neighbors of and long time advocates for the creek and surrounding lands joined us as did two young men who said they were interested in community service. We had a nice mix of old and new SWTU faces. Kim Licitar has now traveled from Johnson Creek to attend several work days. He receives the Chinook Salmon Award for Most Miles Traveled for Workdays. Bob Harrison wins the Golden Beaver Award for safely taking down the gnarliest of the box elders.
Every workday has unique challenges. This, I think, could have been potentially dangerous. We owe Jim special thanks for all the steps he took to limit those hazards as much as possible. We all left as a happy, tired, productive and safe crew.
Workday photos – Courtesy Jim Beecher
Many thanks to Jim for capturing the action! Please also see the full photo album.

Workday recap: Beavers have nothing on SWTU
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Last Updated: December 11, 2021 by Drew Kasel
By Topf Wells
On November 6, SWTU completed another productive and safe workday and saw a massive stream restoration in the process.
We cleared small to large box elders from the upper end of the County’s restoration of Badger Mill Creek near the Park and Ride lot and the Ice Age Trail on the east (north? northeast?) end of Verona. The aim is to assist the County in creating a much healthier creek corridor with native grasses and flowers instead of the box elders. And maybe some oaks or hardwoods more desirable than the box elders?
We had a great turnout. We needed excellent sawyers and some of our best showed up. We had 12-15 haulers and a wonderfully skilled skid steer operator. Such a machine saves time and backs. Many thanks to Mike Krause for bringing and running the skid steer.
The mix of boxelders included some half dead and/or with twisted trunks. Jim was rightly concerned about safety and spent several hours clearly marking trees that should be cut. This preparation provided much needed and clear direction to everyone on the project. The sawing and hauling were the best spaced and safest I’ve seen on a SWTU workday.
We felled and hauled well over a dozen trees and more reclamation work should be much easier. The County’s stream work features excavation and log/brush sills. They narrow the creek substantially. It will be interesting to watch the scouring that should take place. Trout habitat has improved by a factor of 5, 10, 20 – you name it.
The project is nearly complete but may take another two weeks or so.
We had a diverse turnout. Two neighbors of and long time advocates for the creek and surrounding lands joined us as did two young men who said they were interested in community service. We had a nice mix of old and new SWTU faces. Kim Licitar has now traveled from Johnson Creek to attend several work days. He receives the Chinook Salmon Award for Most Miles Traveled for Workdays. Bob Harrison wins the Golden Beaver Award for safely taking down the gnarliest of the box elders.
Every workday has unique challenges. This, I think, could have been potentially dangerous. We owe Jim special thanks for all the steps he took to limit those hazards as much as possible. We all left as a happy, tired, productive and safe crew.
Workday photos – Courtesy Jim Beecher
Many thanks to Jim for capturing the action! Please also see the full photo album.
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