Find out at our in-person June 14 meeting at Schwoegler’s
By Topf Wells
We’re settling in great at the new meeting site and invite you to join us for our next meeting at Schwoegler’s Lanes on June 14th. Dinner and drinks will be available at 5:30 with our speaker at 7 p.m. We’ll meet in Schwoegler’s community room on the southern end of the building. The room is just off the southernmost entryway near the pro shop.
Dan Oele, “our” DNR fish biologist (he works in Dane, Green, and Rock Counties) will address a topic near and dear to many of our hearts: the Present and Possible Future of Black Earth Creek.
Dan has spent hundreds of hours in the field and office, sampling and measuring Black Earth Creek and reviewing its history. He released his assessment of Black Earth Creek last year and is about to begin construction on a massive restoration of a key part of that creek. Here’s the link to the assessment. SWTU believes the project will help revitalize the creek and contributed $10,000 to enable the DNR to pursue a more complete restoration in a key segment. Be there on June 14 to find out more about this project and also hear Dan present a broader view of the current status of the creek. He’ll have time to answer your questions about BEC and our valuable trout streams in your area.
New members are most welcome to attend! We’d love to see you and offer a friendly greeting as well as a pack of free flies.
For the safety of all, if you or someone in your household is not feeling well, we urge you to stay home. Please also consider the CDC guidelines for gatherings, including staying up to date with your vaccinations. Thank you for your kind consideration. Like most venues, Schwoegler’s does not require masks but we’ll respect any member’s decision to wear one.
Schwoegler’s Lanes, 444 Grand Canyon Dr., Madison, WI 53719
Bugs Got You Buggin? Scratch that Itch at our July 12 Meeting
Trout anglers in this area and in much of the country have been asking this question for several years. The quantity and variety of trout’s and our favorite insects seem to be declining. Is that the case? If so, how bad? Why? Can anything be done? Mike Miller, the Wisconsin DNR’s stream ecologist, has been researching these and related questions. His work is advancing and he is approaching the stage at which we can help him. Mike will speak at our July 12 meeting, again at Schwoegler’s. I think I’ve heard as much discussion on these topics as just about anything related to our streams and fly fishing. Mike will share some insights on this exciting work underway … he will have some answers and will also generate plenty of questions.
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Posted: June 7, 2022 by Drew Kasel
What Can The Future of Black Earth Creek Be?
By Topf Wells
We’re settling in great at the new meeting site and invite you to join us for our next meeting at Schwoegler’s Lanes on June 14th. Dinner and drinks will be available at 5:30 with our speaker at 7 p.m. We’ll meet in Schwoegler’s community room on the southern end of the building. The room is just off the southernmost entryway near the pro shop.
Dan Oele, “our” DNR fish biologist (he works in Dane, Green, and Rock Counties) will address a topic near and dear to many of our hearts: the Present and Possible Future of Black Earth Creek.
Dan has spent hundreds of hours in the field and office, sampling and measuring Black Earth Creek and reviewing its history. He released his assessment of Black Earth Creek last year and is about to begin construction on a massive restoration of a key part of that creek. Here’s the link to the assessment. SWTU believes the project will help revitalize the creek and contributed $10,000 to enable the DNR to pursue a more complete restoration in a key segment. Be there on June 14 to find out more about this project and also hear Dan present a broader view of the current status of the creek. He’ll have time to answer your questions about BEC and our valuable trout streams in your area.
New members are most welcome to attend! We’d love to see you and offer a friendly greeting as well as a pack of free flies.
For the safety of all, if you or someone in your household is not feeling well, we urge you to stay home. Please also consider the CDC guidelines for gatherings, including staying up to date with your vaccinations. Thank you for your kind consideration. Like most venues, Schwoegler’s does not require masks but we’ll respect any member’s decision to wear one.
Schwoegler’s Lanes, 444 Grand Canyon Dr., Madison, WI 53719
Bugs Got You Buggin? Scratch that Itch at our July 12 Meeting
Trout anglers in this area and in much of the country have been asking this question for several years. The quantity and variety of trout’s and our favorite insects seem to be declining. Is that the case? If so, how bad? Why? Can anything be done? Mike Miller, the Wisconsin DNR’s stream ecologist, has been researching these and related questions. His work is advancing and he is approaching the stage at which we can help him. Mike will speak at our July 12 meeting, again at Schwoegler’s. I think I’ve heard as much discussion on these topics as just about anything related to our streams and fly fishing. Mike will share some insights on this exciting work underway … he will have some answers and will also generate plenty of questions.
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Category: Event Announcements, Monthly Meeting
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