SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Our Nohr TU Friends Keep Providing More Fishing and We Keep Helping!

Our Tuesday, March 14, Chapter Meeting
By Topf Wells

Please join us for the March SWTU meeting on March 14 at Schwoegler’s Bowling on Grand Canyon Drive.  Dinner, drinks and conversation starting at 5:30 with the meeting and presentation at about 7.

And we’ll have a spectacular double-barreled presentation.  Carol Murphy, President of the Harry and Laura Nohr Chapter of Trout Unlimited (our friends to the west in Iowa and Grant Counties), will show some slides and describe Nohr’s latest projects on 6 Mile Creek, the Blue River and Big Spring Creek. 

The one on 6 Mile and the Blue was completed last year and is mammoth.  It includes the final stretch of 6 Mile before it joins the Blue and over a mile on the Blue itself.  At this location the Blue is pretty big water and presented tremendous challenges to Nohr and their partners.

Nohr then started another major restoration on Big Spring last summer and fall.  This section is on the lower part of Big Spring and will greatly improve an easement that has been tough to fish.  Trust me on that.  I gave up several years ago when the steep and eroding banks and sediments became too much.  Nohr will finish the project this year.

These two projects are the latest jewels in the crown of restorations Nohr has completed in the Blue River watershed.  Many SWTU members owe memorable days of trout fishing to Nohr’s work.

SWTU has annually supported Nohr’s work with a donation.  Besides the engineering and construction issues these projects pose, Nohr submits many grants and annually solicits donations to fund these expensive restorations.  The second barrel of the presentations will be an SWTU  check  to help Nohr with this year’s work.

Nohr sponsors interns, monitors water quality and helps schools with Trout in the Classroom.  Carol will have much to share with us.  And Nohr members have really helped on several workdays.

Also Note: Meicher Auction Later This Year
We had hoped to revive the Meicher Memorial Auction after a too long COVID hiatus.  Our Spring Fundraiser on April 22 demands a lot of volunteer time, which makes a large March auction hard to pull off.  We’ll have the auction later this year and will provide lots of advance notice.

If you or someone in your household is not feeling well, we urge you to stay home. Please also consider CDC guidelines for gatherings, including staying up to date with vaccinations. Thank you for your kind consideration. Like most venues, Schwoegler’s does not require masks but we’ll respect any member’s decision to wear one.

Schwoegler’s Lanes, 444 Grand Canyon Dr., Madison, WI 53719