By Topf Wells
The Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Commission voted on Thursday, May 25th, to stop discharging water to Badger Mill Creek. MMSD did so despite the unanimous opposition of local governments, residents and conservation organizations, including SWTU. You can access MMSD’s website for their side of the story. In short, the Commissioners believed their staff’s analysis that stopping the water would not significantly harm the creek and that the District’s offer of $1 million for projects on the creek would improve the creek.
The advocates for the creek believe the massive loss of water will hurt the creek, that MMSD ignored or mis-represented DNR concerns over the harm to the fishery, and that the $1 million offer does not represent any serious planning as to whether or how such damage could be mitigated.
The Capital Area Regional Planning Commission will now conduct a full, public, transparent and expert review of MMSD’s recommendation. The DNR then receives that CARPC report and decides to approve or not MMSD’s recommendation. We believe the CARPC process will be rigorous and advocates for the creek intend to participate fully in it.
We’ll provide more details for the chance for public input into the future of Badger Mill Creek in the belief that this time the public’s views will receive a fair and full hearing.
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Posted: June 8, 2023 by Drew Kasel
Badger Mill Creek: It Ain’t Over Til It’s Over
By Topf Wells
The Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Commission voted on Thursday, May 25th, to stop discharging water to Badger Mill Creek. MMSD did so despite the unanimous opposition of local governments, residents and conservation organizations, including SWTU. You can access MMSD’s website for their side of the story. In short, the Commissioners believed their staff’s analysis that stopping the water would not significantly harm the creek and that the District’s offer of $1 million for projects on the creek would improve the creek.
The advocates for the creek believe the massive loss of water will hurt the creek, that MMSD ignored or mis-represented DNR concerns over the harm to the fishery, and that the $1 million offer does not represent any serious planning as to whether or how such damage could be mitigated.
The Capital Area Regional Planning Commission will now conduct a full, public, transparent and expert review of MMSD’s recommendation. The DNR then receives that CARPC report and decides to approve or not MMSD’s recommendation. We believe the CARPC process will be rigorous and advocates for the creek intend to participate fully in it.
We’ll provide more details for the chance for public input into the future of Badger Mill Creek in the belief that this time the public’s views will receive a fair and full hearing.
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