SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

May 2024  Meeting Election Results

Our annual chapter meeting was held on May 14, 2024, with the only order business being the annual election of the SWTU Executive Board. The slate of candidates presented for this election were announced in the May 2024 chapter newsletter:

President: Steve Musser (incumbent)

Vice President: Topf Wells (incumbent)

Treasurer: Marty Chiaro (incumbent)

Secretary: Henry Nehls-Lowe (incumbent)

State Council Delegate: Michael Williamson (incumbent)

Four open Director positions:

John Freeborg (incumbent)

Josh Reilly

Riley Bellin

Ben Mechelke (withdrawn as noted below – Jim Beecher will continue in his two-year term)

Unfortunately, Ben Mechelke had to withdraw as a Director candidate because of his needing to move away from the area. Since one of the open Director positions was being vacated by Jim Beecher after his serving only the first year of a two-year term, Jim agreed to stay on the board until a new candidate is found and elected to replace him. Please reach out to a Board member if interested.

Chapter members were offered the opportunity to nominate from the floor additional candidates for the election. The slate of candidates was accepted and approved by unanimous voice vote.