SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Neonicotinoid Forum on Wisconsin’s Most Widely Used Pesticides


Sign up today – space is limited

Fellow SWTU Members,

We would like to invite you to attend the Neonicotinoid Forum scheduled for October 30 of this year and hosted by Trout Unlimited, Clean Wisconsin, Rivers Alliance of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Tribal Conservation Advisory Council, the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, the Black Earth Creek Watershed Association, Wisconsin’s Green Fire, UW-Extension, the WI Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and the WI Department of Natural Resources.

Neonicotinoids, or neonics, are the most widely used insecticides in Wisconsin, applied to millions of acres of agricultural and urban land each year. What benefits do they provide and what risks do they pose? Funded by a grant from the WI DNR Surface Water Grant Program that the TU State Council applied for and that was awarded to us and supported by a donation from the SWTU chapter, we are able to bring you this educational and informative event. The agenda is finalized, the Forum site has been selected and the registration site is now open.

As you will see from the attached agenda, we are bringing in several national speakers as well as Wisconsin’s own experts, all of whom are very familiar with Neonics, their use, and their potential impact on a wide range of species. The cost for the Forum is $40 which is intended to cover the cost of lunch and breaks since the DNR grant will not cover these expenses.

Below is the link to the Neonics Forum website. Clean Wisconsin has graciously agreed to share their registration site on which you can register for the event. When purchasing a registration ticket, please select your ticket quantity and then click “Donate Via” using your preferred method. By clicking this option, paying $40, and entering your information, you will be fully registered for the conference.


In addition, here is the flyer with information on the event as well as the same link to register.

We are limited by the size of the venue to 300 attendees so I am urging folks to register early. I encourage you to share it with any other groups or individuals that you think might be interested in Neonicotinoids and impact they have on the insects that we so rely on as trout fishermen and fisherwomen.

Michael Williamson and Andy Morton – SWTU