SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Quick links to cool content (Sept 2024)

  • Do you have an eagle eye for eagles? Learn more about Bald Eagle Nest Watch and some simple, fun ways you can help these magnificent feathered friends.
  • On September 14, the Iowa Driftless Chapter of Trout Unlimited asks you to join them “for the inaugural Iowa Driftless Classic (IDC), our state’s premier fly-fishing tournament where you can win prizes while raising money and awareness for conservation.” It’s a catch and release contest – our chapter does not officially endorse fishing contests, but is sharing as a courtesy to a fellow TU chapter and for members who may be interested.
  • The latest newsletter is out for Lineworkers: Next generation fly fishers. It includes information on some of their activities and upcoming training sessions.