SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

SWTU March 11, 2025 Chapter Gathering: Understanding Hatches

Ann Miller brown troutAquatic biologist Ann Miller will present “Understanding Hatches” at our March 11th Gathering, which she bills as, “Driftless area in Wisconsin gets buggy and insight into writing a hatch guide.”

Ann has a lifelong passion for insects, fly fishing and figuring out what trout eat. Her presentation will dive into the importance of understanding insect life cycle stages with applications to fly fishing.

Ann authored her popular book “Hatch Guide for Upper Midwest Streams” after becoming frustrated while teaching entomology in fly fishing schools with the lack of comprehensive information on Midwest insect hatches, taxonomy, behavior, and flies to match them.

Ann’s new “Pocketguide to Upper Midwest Hatches” was published in March 2023 with Stackpole Books and includes a new section on terrestrial insects. Her book will be available for purchase at the gathering for $30, cash or Venmo.

Ann is also a co-founder and current president of Flygirls of Michigan, an organization whose purpose is to help women become involved in fly fishing. She has served on the board and as an officer of the St. Joseph River Valley Fly Fishers and is on the board of Tie-a-thon, an organization that distributes donated flies to non-profit groups involved with teaching youth, cancer survivors, veterans, and more.

We gather, as always, at Schwoeglers on Grand Canyon Drive on Madison’s West Side. Dinner and drinks will be available starting at 5:30 p.m. with Ann’s presentation following some brief updates at 7.

Schwoegler’s Lanes, 444 Grand Canyon Dr., Madison, WI 53719