SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Lend a hand at the Fishing Expo

Fishing Expo crowds

The Wisconsin Fishing Expo is February 24 – February 26, and we need volunteers to fill volunteer shifts at the SWTU booth.

Landon Mayer and our 2017 Icebreaker!

Landon Mayer holding a huge brown trout

Saturday, January 14 at American Family Insurance
We are incredibly pleased to let you know that Landon Mayer … professional fishing guide, author and speaker … is the featured guest of our 2017 Icebreaker.

Registration is open for the 2017 Women’s Flyfishing Clinics

We are proud to offer a By Women for Women Beginner Fly Fishing Clinic. This Basic clinic is designed to give a broad view of fly fishing and offer an opportunity to try it in a safe and fun environment. Skill level is not important; it is for women who know very little to those who would simply like a refresher.

Women & Fly Fishing Happy Hour!

A women’s social event to connect with other women with interests in fly fishing. January 13th 2017, 6pm to… Ale Asylum 2002 Pankratz Street Madison, WI 53704 (608) 663-3926 A local brew pub near the airport with good… Read More

Oktoberfest Social Hour

SWTU is trying something new, so plan on sharing a few beers with us at the Wisconsin Brewing Company on October 9th. Save the date and watch for more details to come!

Special Stream Team Workday Building Lunker Structures Saturday, July 23, 2016


We are going to have a special workday on July 23 to build lunker structures for the Neperud property on the Sugar River, which was recently purchased by Dane County. The SEWTU Chapter will be bringing their Lunker Building Team to head up this project. They will also be bringing their grill to cook brats for lunch. Be sure to RSVP so we can get a head count for the brats.