SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Learn more about Nohr

Our Tuesday, May 8 Chapter Meeting Join us May 8 to hear Tim Fraley, President of the Harry and Laura Nohr Chapter of Trout Unlimited, present on some recent Nohr Chapter activities and habitat projects. 

What’s up with your SWTU? Our April 10 meeting

A grab bag of updates on Chapter activities and programs

The Meicher Madness Auction: March 13


You never know what you’ll find … and win … at our annual Meicher Madness Auction. You can get great deals and get rid of some stuff (to make way for new stuff, of course). It’s a very… Read More

It’s movie time!

Sit back and take in a cool and original flick at our February 13 meeting. You might also be interested to know that somebody will win $100 at this meeting!

Three Days on the River: A movie about our Women’s Fly Fishing Clinics

View the trailer now and make plans to see the full movie at an upcoming event.

January 9, 2018 Meeting: Fly Tying Jamboree

Fly Tying

Whether you tie or not, we hope you can join in our fly tying jamboree!

December 12, 2017 Meeting: Aniak River Alaska – A River of Opportunity

Join us for stories and photos from the anglers and friends who had the opportunity to explore this wild river.

November 14, 2017 Meeting: Peacocks on a Fly Colombia

Craig Amacker peacock bass

Come enjoy a guided tour of this new website, which will help us organize, communicate, and take action to conserve cold water resources easier than ever before.

October 10, 2017 Meeting: Tenkara Road Trip

Come enjoy a guided tour of this new website, which will help us organize, communicate, and take action to conserve cold water resources easier than ever before.

September 12, 2017 Meeting: Catch ‘em up close

Come enjoy a guided tour of this new website, which will help us organize, communicate, and take action to conserve cold water resources easier than ever before.