SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Have a seat while preventing the spread of invasives

The students of Project Green Teen built a bench to accompany the wader/boot cleaning station at the Westfork Sports Club. Many thanks to Tom Parker for donating the wood and lending a bit of knowledge to the build…. Read More

Chainsaw Training Opportunity

For those committed to attending and chainsawing at our stream workdays … you can receive a full day of chainsaw use and safety training on Saturday, July 21.

Administering our Endowment Fund

The Board of Directors has approved the appointment of the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin to administer the SWTU Endowment Fund. This is a positive change and more will be shared on it at a later date.

Wisconsin Conservation Congress Fish and Game Hearings, April 9

Each spring, the Wisconsin Conservation Congress Spring Fish and Game Hearings are held in all counties of the state. This year the hearings are being held on April 9, 2018, at 7 PM.  Please take part!

Accolades for Jim Hess

At the Summit for Natural Resources Volunteer banquet, Jim was recognized for his outstanding achievement in citizen-based monitoring. 

Will you step up and lend your talents and experience? (updated)

A number of vacancies coupled with a variety of illnesses means that we will delay our annual election until May. The Board discussed and approved this shift to allow time to put forth the best possible slate of… Read More

A Successful Fishing Expo!

2018 fishing expo swtu

By Curt Diehl I want to give a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped out at the SWTU booth during the 2018 Wisconsin Fishing Expo. It was a huge success. Saturday’s crowd was 11% higher than last year…. Read More

In memory of Greg Ericson

It’s with sadness that SWTU reports the passing of Greg Ericson . Greg was a long-time chapter member, perhaps best known for the beautiful fly tying desks he donated to the Icebreaker. These desks are treasured by all… Read More

Special Orchard Pruning Workday at Neperud Easement

orchard pruning neperud march 2018

By Topf Wells This was one of the best outdoor experiences I’ve had. Lisa Johnson – Thank you, Lisa! – did an excellent job in teaching us pruning with a concise, helpful Powerpoint and with in- the- orchard examples… Read More

Icebreaker prizes, donors and winners!

A list (and some pictures) of the amazing donated items, donors and winners! Thanks to the donors for their generosity and to the winners for attending and buying raffle tickets!