SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

DNR Survey: Provide your trouty input!

Our DNR is seeking input on thoughts and experiences pertaining to outdoor recreation. There is a survey specific to the “Southern Gateways Region” (Dane County and many surrounding, troutish counties). Visit the full Land Recreation Analysis page or… Read More

Icebreaker update! Save the date for January 13, 2018

We are excited to announce that our keynote speakers will be Tucker and Jacquie Nelson from Nelson Spring Creek Ranch in Livingston, MT.    The Nelson’s were recently featured in The Drake magazine. They share a deep passion for fishing, stewardship and teaching… Read More

Project Green Teen 2017 – Photo Gallery

Fly tying, casting, stream exploration and fun with students of Malcom Shabazz High School.