SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Fly Tying Classes

Fly Tying



SWTU Fly-tying Courses – 2025

Trout Unlimited invites you to learn fly tying or im­prove your tying skills this winter. Experienced SWTU instructors will teach both beginning and intermediate level fly-tying courses in Fitchburg starting Wednesday January 15, 2025. Classes consist of instructor-led demonstrations and hands-on tutorials. The courses are completely free of charge, and all materials needed during in-class instruction are provided. You need only supply fly-tying tools and thread, a list of which is available at www.swtu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Beginning-Fly-Tying-Tools-Needed-2025.pdf.

Beginning Fly Tying is intended for those with limited previous fly-tying experience, including complete beginners. General techniques needed as a foundation for fly tying are established, and basic but effective trout fly patterns are demonstrated and practiced. An instructional booklet with pattern sheets is provided free of charge.

Intermediate Fly Tying is intended for those who have a solid foundation of fly-tying experience and want to improve their proficiency. The course builds on the foundations of Beginning Fly Tying and progresses to more ad­vanced methods. Techniques and materials are more varied, the patterns can be more complex, and the hook sizes are generally smaller than flies of the beginning course.

Both beginning and intermediate courses meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 PM at the Fitchburg Community Center (5510 Lacy Rd., Fitchburg) beginning January 15, 2025. Courses run for eight consecutive Wednesdays (final class March 5, 2025).

Advanced registration is required! Register online at the Fitchburg Recreation Department (https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/fitchburg/activity/search). If you’ve not previously created a customer account with Fitchburg Recreation, you must do so before registering.

Questions? See https://www.swtu.org/learn/flytying/flytying-classes/ for additional information. Or, email ques­tions to Phil Anderson at swtu-flytying@outlook.com.

Tools needed for Beginner Fly Tying Class (2025)

The flies of the beginner class curriculum as listed in the Fly Tying 1 Instructional Booklet:

Dry Flies

  1. Elk Hair Caddis
  2. X-Caddis
  3. BWO Parachute
  4. Foam Beetle
  5. Sparkle Dun / Comparadun
  6. Rusty Spinner
  7. Letort Hopper
  8. Adams (Classic)
  9. Griffith’s Gnat
Wet Flies

  1. Gold-Ribbed Hare’s Ear Nymph
  2. Pheasant Tail Nymph
  3. Scud
  4. Woolly Bugger
  5. Partridge & Orange
  6. Pink Squirrel Nymph
  7. Pass Lake Wet
  8. Zebra Midge

Highly useful links!

Questions? Send email to swtu-flytying@outlook.com.