SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

DNR Stream Surveys Filled with Fish Facts

Want to fish some different streams or learn more about your favorites? Go to my favorite reading:WI DNR trout stream surveys. Some recent additions: reports on many and all of the best trout streams of the northern Driftless Area, including Vernon and Crawford Counties, watershed assessments in Dunn and Pierce Counties (lots of public fishing and wild trout in that part of the Driftless) and, in Grant County, a creel survey of the Big Green, and miles (yep, miles) of new trout water in the Platte and Little Platte watersheds. – Topf Wells

2025 Wild & Scenic Film Festival

Presented by The River Alliance of Wisconsin and Barrymore Theater
March 20, 2025

We suspect that many of our members will have an interest in this slate of films … learn more and get tickets here.

Vets on the Fly

By Dyan Lesnik

Vets on the Fly activities are free for all Vets and their family members. All equipment is provided so just show up for their events for socialization and fishing fun. Learn more at their Facebook page.

New Members – March 2025

We’re pleased to announce the addition of the following new member to our ranks! Read More

A Winter Remedy

Mat Wagner heads a fishy, friendly and warm chapter gathering on February 11, 2025

Mat Wagner Golden DoradoTired of winter? Contemplating a new adventure? Eager for reports and photos of a spectacular freshwater gamefish? SWTU is at your service!

Mat Wagner of the Driftelss Angler will speak at our February 11 gathering. Mat led an expedition in search of South America’s legendary golden dorado just a few weeks ago and has been chasing them for almost 8 years. Think of a fish that lives in big marshes and rivers and is about as big as a chinook salmon. They are toothier and meaner than chinook with a burnished golden color. Mat will share new stories, the latest info, and photos of the fish and fun. Read More

A New Trout Stream in Dane County: The Yahara River!!!!????

By Topf Wells

Yes and SWTU hopes to help.

Dan Oele and Mitch Trow of the DNR surveyed the upper Yahara in and around Deforest about two years ago and found wild brown trout in enough numbers and age classes to classify this section of stream as a Class 2 trout stream. They noted that while the stream is not full of trout, it does support them in fishable numbers.

For anyone who needs some good and unexpected news about local trout streams, this is it. I ran into John Lyons the other day, DNR and UW fish researcher extraordinaire; when he surveyed that part of the Yahara in the 90s he did not find a trace of trout. He was on the river, searching for native species of small fish in the same time span as Dan, Mitch and their crew. Brown trout kept getting in the way of his search for other fish.

And the prospects for the Yahara brown trout and anglers are dramatically improving. Read More

Casual Dress

Casual Dress fly

Fountains of Youth – Classic trout flies that have withstood the test of time … flies that remain “forever young”

by Rusty Dunn

No author has captured the artistry and allure of fishing with nymphs better than the great G.E.M. Skues:

“The indications which tell your dry-fly angler when to strike are clear and unmistakable, but those which bid a wet-fly man raise his rod point and draw in the steel are frequently so subtle, so eva­nescent and impalpable to the senses, that when the bend­ing rod assures him that he has divined aright, he feels an ecstasy as though he had per­formed a mir­acle each time.” (Minor Tactics of the Chalk Stream, 1910)

Many fly fishers spend their entire angling lives pre­senting flies on or near the sur­face. Dedicated nymph anglers, however, regularly prowl the inky depths where trout spend their leisure time. If you’ve not probed the hidden recesses of your favor­ite streams dur­ing non-hatch periods, you’re missing out on the many mir­acles that Skues describes. Read More

Learn What Your Board’s Been Up To – February 2025

Minutes from SWTU Board of Director meetings can be viewed in this Google Drive. If you have questions on what you read in them, reach out to one of the Board members listed on the last page of each newsletter. (Note that you may need to click the “Last Modified” header at the top to sort the list with the latest minutes at the top.

Awards and Honors at State Council Banquet

It was another wonderful event that we’re proud to recap!

First, Steve Born was acknowledged for all his work with the Council and being the MC at the Banquet. He stepped down during Covid and didn’t get a chance to be recognized.

Andy Morton and Michael Williamson received the Reel Partner Award for their leadership and many hours of work in creating the first Wisconsin Neonicotinoid Forum. Attached are some pics, including their wives, Karon Morton and Mary Ann Doll. Read More