SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

2023 Women’s Flyfishing Clinics – Register now (and recommend it to others!)

The groundbreaking Women’s Flyfishing Clinics sponsored by SWTU have become a model for others and featured in national TU publications.

Chapter member Tina Murray – our esteemed Chair of Women, Diversity and Youth Education Initiatives – invites our members to register now if interested in attending one of the clinics listed below. The clinic dates and registration links will be advertised widely in December, so this is a chance for SWTU members to secure their spot.

More information is here on our Chapter website or select a registration link below. Read More

Register for SWTU Fly Tying Courses – 2023

Fly Tying

Limited space left! Sign up by January 15, 2023

Trout Unlimited invites you to learn fly tying or im­prove your tying skills this winter.  Experienced SWTU instructors will teach both beginning and intermediate level fly-tying courses in Fitchburg starting Wednesday January 18, 2023.  Classes consist of instructor-led demonstrations and hands-on tutorials.  The courses are completely free of charge, and all materials needed in class are provided.  You need only supply fly-tying tools and thread, a list of which is available at https://www.swtu.org/learn/flytying/flytying-classes/. Read More

Wisconsin Trout Unlimited Youth Fishing Camp

August 17 – 20, 2023

Calling all parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles …
Wisconsin Trout Unlimited will be holding their annual Youth Fishing Camp, Thursday, August 17 to Sunday, August 20, 2021 at Pine Lake Bible Camp in Waupaca, WI. Youth must be 12 – 16 years old. The purpose of the camp is to provide the student with an introductory education of as many things possible related to trout fishing, sportsmanship, and conservation issue. Read More

Wisconsin Trout Unlimited Banquet: February 4 in Oshkosh

Get your tickets now
This is a great event and fundraiser that you can attend … you’ll learn something, maybe win something and do a lot of good for trout in Wisconsin!

Find tickets and all the details here: https://wistrout.brownpapertickets.com/

Note that it will again feature a free fly fishing clinic for women (as noted above). Reach out to a member of the SWTU Board if questions.

New Members – January 2023

We’re pleased to announce the addition of the following new members to our ranks! Read More

Newscasts – December 2022

This issue is filled with great information, including:

The first (and possibly annual) SWTU holiday party …

gift… will occur at Schwoegler’s on Grand Canyon Drive, Tuesday, December 13, between 5:30 and 8:30 p.m.

We’ll be hosting four local guides and fly shop, who have been good SWTU supporters. They’ll have some fun presentations and great gift ideas for family, friends and perhaps even you.

The lineup: Pat Hasburgh of D&S Bait, Tackle and Fly Shop, Tina Murray of Shenanigans Guides, Wyatt Reeves of Black Earth Angling, and Craig Amacker of Madison Fly Fishing Co. These business owners are a precious local resource, and we’re excited to give them some time to shine and share.

Bring a gift to share
We’ll also have a gift exchange. Bring a modest fishing-related gift and, yes, use your wrapping skills. The gifts will go to Santa’s bag … or perhaps net … and everyone will receive a present. (We’ll have a few back up gifts … no one will leave with coal and ashes). Read More

Sharing sad news

Some may have learned that our friend and longtime SWTU member and leader, Tom Thrall, lost his son, Tim Thrall, very unexpectedly. Tim experienced a sudden cardiac arrest in his home as a result of an asthma attack. Tim was married with five children and was the primary breadwinner for the family. Tim was an organ donor and several of his organs have already been translated to recipients on waiting lists. Read More

Badger Mill Creek Threatened?

By Topf Wells

Badger Mill Creek may well face a serious threat in the near future.  That risk occurs because of a complicated regulatory situation.  Following is a highly condensed account of the situation.  More information and recommendations for SWTU members and other friends of Badger Mill Creek (BMC) will be posted on our website and other media.  See the information below and continue to tuned and prepared to act. Read More

Royal Wulff

Royal Wulff

Fountains of Youth – Classic trout flies that have withstood the test of time … flies that remain “forever young”

by Rusty Dunn

Eleven months of planning have led to this moment.  You’ve driven over a thousand miles and arrived in mid-July at a cold clear Montana river.  The tent is pitched, the campsite set up, and it’s now time to go fish­ing.  The weather is perfect … warm, cloudy, and little wind.  As you step into the river, you notice pale yel­low mayflies about size #16-#18 on the wing.  You see several por­pois­ing rise forms in and downstream of a riffle.  You hit the jackpot  on day one!  With great excite­ment, you reach confidently for your Pale Morning Dun fly box.  You are thinking, “This is what I live for” as you pre­pare to cast.  Your dream-come-true situa­tion, how­ever, is about to turn decidedly nightmar­ish. Read More