SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Sharing sad news

Some may have learned that our friend and longtime SWTU member and leader, Tom Thrall, lost his son, Tim Thrall, very unexpectedly. Tim experienced a sudden cardiac arrest in his home as a result of an asthma attack. Tim was married with five children and was the primary breadwinner for the family. Tim was an organ donor and several of his organs have already been translated to recipients on waiting lists. Read More

Badger Mill Creek Threatened?

By Topf Wells

Badger Mill Creek may well face a serious threat in the near future.  That risk occurs because of a complicated regulatory situation.  Following is a highly condensed account of the situation.  More information and recommendations for SWTU members and other friends of Badger Mill Creek (BMC) will be posted on our website and other media.  See the information below and continue to tuned and prepared to act. Read More

Royal Wulff

Royal Wulff

Fountains of Youth – Classic trout flies that have withstood the test of time … flies that remain “forever young”

by Rusty Dunn

Eleven months of planning have led to this moment.  You’ve driven over a thousand miles and arrived in mid-July at a cold clear Montana river.  The tent is pitched, the campsite set up, and it’s now time to go fish­ing.  The weather is perfect … warm, cloudy, and little wind.  As you step into the river, you notice pale yel­low mayflies about size #16-#18 on the wing.  You see several por­pois­ing rise forms in and downstream of a riffle.  You hit the jackpot  on day one!  With great excite­ment, you reach confidently for your Pale Morning Dun fly box.  You are thinking, “This is what I live for” as you pre­pare to cast.  Your dream-come-true situa­tion, how­ever, is about to turn decidedly nightmar­ish. Read More

The Help Poured In: An Amazing Last Workday for 2022

By Topf Wells
Jim Hess called for lots of help for our final workday of the year on Smith Conley.  The job was big and little did we know how bitterly cold the day would dawn.

The day started like Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ended,  Help came from all over the galaxy:  Four students active in Hoofers at UW Madison.  Justin Haglund, the fish biologist, and 5 DNR fish techs.  Our good friends from the Nohr Chapter.  And, of course, some great SWTU volunteers, both new faces and wizened veterans (handsome even with all the wizen-ness).  At least 32 folks assembled to face the box elders. Read More

Dan “Santa” Oele Delivers for Trout Anglers

By Topf Wells

Dan Oele, the DNR fish biologist for Dane, Green and Rock Counties, delivered wonderful holiday news for SWTU and local trout anglers.  Thanks to his hard work and the generosity of Mr. Aagard, the landowner, the DNR has a sizable new permanent fishing easement on Fryes Feeder. Read More

Learn What Your Board’s Been Up To – Dec. 2022

Minutes from SWTU Board of Director meetings can be viewed in this Google Drive. If you have questions on what you read in them, reach out to one of the Board members listed on the last page of each newsletter. (Note that you may need to click the “Last Modified” header at the top to sort the list with the latest minutes at the top.)

What your board has NOT been up to.
scam alertWe’ve had increased incidents of official SWTU emails and those of our leaders being spoofed to send requests for help. Usually these ask the recipient to buy gift cards and deliver them somewhere. This is not how we operate … if you’  re ever suspicious of an email related to SWTU, please use the contact information at the end of the newsletter to reach out to someone directly to confirm the request before taking any action.

New Members – December 2022

We’re pleased to announce the addition of the following new members to our ranks! Read More

Newscasts – November 2022

This issue is filled with great information, including:

Trout on (much less than) a tankful – Let’s talk nearby creeks

Join us at Schwoegler’s on Tuesday, November 8
By Topf Wells

trout on a tankfulJustin Haglund, the DNR fish biologist for Iowa and Richland Counties, will be our speaker at the November 8th meeting at Schwoegler’s Bowling on Grand Canyon Drive.  Dinner and drinks starting at 530 with Justin’s presentation about 7.

Justin has some real news on a nearby creek that you’ll find interesting and maybe even exciting.  He has surveyed and assessed Smith Conley Creek and has requested and helped on several SWTU/Nohr workdays on the creek with another scheduled in November. Read More

Gold-Ribbed Hare’s Ear Winged Wet Fly

Fountains of Youth – Classic trout flies that have withstood the test of time … flies that remain “forever young”

by Rusty Dunn

Deceit is the key to success in fly fishing.  If your fly imitates the appearance and behavior of trout food, you will have memorable days.  In Isaak Walton’s 1653 classic The Compleat Angler, Piscator asks Viator, “Is it not an art to deceive a trout with an artifi­cial fly?”  Indeed, it is.  Deceit is good.  Deceit is effective.  Deceit brings trout to hand.  Open your fly box, and you’ll see all manner of deceit.  Wet flies, dry flies, nymphs, emergers, streamers.  All deceitful.  All de­signed for the grand masquerade … the old switch­eroo … the tools of smoke and mirrors.  “Fool a trout, catch a trout” are words to live by. Read More