SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

No Icebreaker / Yes Spring Fair Fundraiser

Spring Fair Fundraiser

At a recent meeting, the Board voted to once again not have our traditional Icebreaker fundraiser in January. Factoring into this is that venues have not yet recovered or reopened to events like ours. Instead, your Board did vote to hold another Spring Fair in 2023 and is in the process of assembling a committee to organize it. Please watch for more information on this in the coming months.

Workday + Picnic = Happy Trout + Happy Volunteers

By Topf Wells

Jim Hess had lots of help with one of the best SWTU workdays ever from Scout Troop 104, the DNR, and some great SWTU volunteers.  And then, the Rudds, our kind and generous hosts put the icing on the cake (actually some scrumptiousHalloween cookies).

Whoever is in charge of the weather took great care of us.  A chilly start rising to perfect fall temps, bright sun, and mild breezes resulted in comfortable conditions. Read More

Learn What Your Board’s Been Up To – Nov. 2022

Minutes from SWTU Board of Director meetings can be viewed in this Google Drive. If you have questions on what you read in them, reach out to one of the Board members listed on the last page of each newsletter. (Note that you may need to click the “Last Modified” header at the top to sort the list with the latest minutes at the top.)

What your board has NOT been up to.
scam alertWe’ve had increased incidents of official SWTU emails and those of our leaders being spoofed to send requests for help. Usually these ask the recipient to buy gift cards and deliver them somewhere. This is not how we operate … if you’  re ever suspicious of an email related to SWTU, please use the contact information at the end of the newsletter to reach out to someone directly to confirm the request before taking any action.

New Members – November 2022

We’re pleased to announce the addition of the following new members to our ranks! Read More

Newscasts – October 2022

This issue is filled with great information, including:

“The new guy” talks trout in Central Wisconsin

Join us at Schwoegler’s on Tuesday, October 11
By Topf Wells

The new guy is Tim Parks, the new DNR Fish Biologist for Grant and Lafayette Counties and the Lower Wisconsin River. Tim just transferred  from Central Wisconsin, where he was a fish biologist who managed Trout populations in Marathon and Portage Counties. One of his final projects was assessing trout populations and habitats from the Plover River Watershed, including spring ponds (a lesser known brook trout habitat). Tim will talk about the Plover River, spring ponds, anomaly brook trout populations in drainage ditches, the Central Sands Streams and High Capacity Wells, and what it is like to manage unique natural trout populations in Central Wisconsin. He will also provide some first impressions on trout populations in Grant County.

Also featuring a word from the stewards of tomorrow …
We’ll also be joined by Tristram Morris and Grayson Yates, whom SWTU sponsored at the State Council Youth Camps. These two great young anglers will provide brief reports on their camp experience. This is also a great opportunity for parents or grandparents to learn about this camp for the youngsters in your families. Read More

Killer Bug

Killer Bug

Fountains of Youth – Classic trout flies that have withstood the test of time … flies that remain “forever young”

by Rusty Dunn

A 21-year old Englishman is hired in 1928 to manage and improve six miles of trout water on the River Avon.  The task before him is immense, for the river has suffered years of neglect.  It was once a premier trout fishery, but is now choked with weeds, smoth­ered in silt, and home to more trash fish than trout.  Natural repro­duction of trout is near zero, and fishing is sustained only by hatchery transplants.  The young river keeper undertakes his job with determi­nation and persistence, not realizing that the task will occupy him for 52 years. Read More

Make a Difference and Some Friends – Our Next Workday

Smith Conley Workday June 2022

October 8, 2022 – Smith-Conley Creek, 2800 Cty Rd H, Barneveld

If you’ve never joined one before, please know the work is easy, you can work at your own pace and there is something to do for everyone. From hauling large trees to handing around clipboards, if you have the willingness to help then we have a way for you to do so. Along the way, you’ll meet some new people and most likely note a few intriguing places to drift a fly. See you there! Read More

A Productive and Fun Workday

By Topf Wells
Jim has the new workday season off to a great start.

Eleven stalwarts arrived at the Falk Wells Wildlife Area on the Sugar River between Verona and Paoli. Attendance was down a bit – maybe the football game, a hot, muggy forecast, travel, trout season still on, first day of bow season or a combination thereof were the reasons. But Jim was well organized and had the gear we needed. Honeysuckle and buckthorn now know and fear our names. Read More

Memorial to Dan Wisniewski

When next you pass by Salmo Pond, take a moment to view the lovely memorial to Dan Wisniewski, who passed in 2020. Take a walk, listen to the creek, cast a line and appreciate a man who earned the thanks of every last lover of the outdoors.