SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Learn what your Board’s been up to

Minutes from SWTU Board of Director meetings can be viewed in this Google Drive. If you have questions on what you read in them, reach out to one of the Board members listed on the last page of each newsletter. (Note that you may need to click the “Last Modified” header at the top to sort the list with the latest minutes at the top.)

As seen in the Summer 2022 edition of Wisconsin Trout
Speaking of “What your Board’s been up to” … as you review your copy of Wisconsin Trout, note that SWTU contributed $2,000 towards the removal of Powell Falls Dam on Kinnickinnic in River Falls (page 14); and SWTU provided $3,000 for Costa 5 Rivers Program (page 14). Take a look in your print copy or watch for it to be posted online here.

“New” Trout Streams in Iowa County

By Topf Wells

Justin Haglund, the DNR fish biologist for Iowa and Richland Counties, has just released a comprehensive assessment of trout streams in the Mineral Point Branch of the Pecatonica River Watershed or, more simply, trout streams near Mineral Point.  I think these assessments contain a wealth of current and accurate information for anglers and conservationists.  You can find this (and much more!) by Googling WI DNR trout stream assessments or use this link.

Most of us probably don’t think of this area as a hotspot for trout but the news of three streams caught my eye.  The Rock Branch has a decent trout fishery with good public access.  The two “new” trout streams are Pedlar Branch and Brewery Creek.   New in the sense of who knew.  Pedlar has an extremely strong population of wild brook trout in its headwaters.   Brewery Creek is rising from the ashes of decades of environmental devastation caused by mining wastes.  For years the creek was devoid of just about any life, much less trout.  Extensive remediation has the creek coming back.  It now supports brown trout.  Justin thinks it can become a worthwhile fishery and provide spawning habitat for Rock Branch.  If we just give our creeks a chance …

New Members – July 2022

We’re pleased to announce the addition of the following new members to our ranks! Read More

Newscasts – June 2022

This issue is focused on some amazing upcoming events, including:

What Can The Future of Black Earth Creek Be?

Black Earth Creek SignFind out at our in-person June 14 meeting at Schwoegler’s
By Topf Wells

We’re settling in great at the new meeting site and invite you to join us for our next meeting at Schwoegler’s Lanes on June 14th.  Dinner and drinks will be available at 5:30 with our speaker at 7 p.m. We’ll meet in Schwoegler’s community room on the southern end of the building. The room is just off the southernmost entryway near the pro shop.

Dan Oele, “our” DNR fish biologist (he works in Dane, Green, and Rock Counties) will address a topic near and dear to many of our hearts: the Present and Possible Future of Black Earth Creek. Read More

Streams, Smiles and Wind Knots – A Great Riversmith Fly Casting Clinic

Casting Clinic 2022

Many thanks to Jim Beecher for these photos that tell the tale of a wonderful, engaging and educational casting clinic in Cross Plains on May 7. Many thanks to all who showed up to teach and learn!

Read More

Tup’s Indispensable (Skues)

Tups Indispensable

Fountains of Youth – Classic trout flies that have withstood the test of time … flies that remain “forever young”

by Rusty Dunn

British flies are often named with a sense of whimsy, such as the Welsh­man’s Button, Wickham’s Fancy, Houghton Ruby, and Dotterel Dun.  The list is long.  Such names conjure images of long-forgotten an­glers, quaint old-world locations, or feathers plucked from an exotic bird.  The Tup’s Indis­pensable is one such flight of fancy.  ‘Tup’ is a Scottish term for a male sheep.  ‘Indis­pen­sable’ refers to the magic ingredient sup­pos­edly needed for the fly’s effec­tiveness … the secret sauce, the indispensable mojo, the fly-tying secret guarded from public disclosure for over 30 years. Read More

Turkey Nest Narrowly Avoided: May 14 Stream Workday

Smith Conley Workday June 2022

By Topf Wells

Thanks to Jim Hess and an even bigger, more varied cast of characters than usual, we had another successful work day, this time on Smith Conley.

The DNR folks, led by Justin Haglund, were a tremendous help.  Lloyd and Mitch were great sawyers, great to work with, and kept an eye out for us as we worked in sometimes overgrown terrain. Read More

Where There’s a Willow There’s a Workday: Fun Planting Trees

Willow Creek Workday

By Topf Wells

The Jim/Justin double team produced a good workday for us and Willow Creek.

With Jim and Justin having devoted hours to preparation, about a dozen SWTU members with some help from the Nohr and Coulee Chapters planted and fenced 60 swamp white and pin oak trees along Willow Creek at the site of Justin’s COLOSSAL, SUPERB, OUT OF THIS WORLD restoration of over 1/2 mile of stream below the confluence of Willow and Smith Hollow. Read More

New Members – June 2022

We’re pleased to announce the addition of the following new members to our ranks! Read More