SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Newscasts – May 2022

This issue is focused on some amazing upcoming events, including:

Meet the experts: Wonderful Water Quality Biologists

Our in-person meeting on Tuesday, May 10 at Schwoegler’s
By Topf Wells

We had a grand gathering in April and look forward to seeing you at our next meeting on Tuesday, May 10, at Schwoegler’s Bowling Alley on Grand Canyon Drive in Madison. The meeting will start at 7 p.m., but please join any time after 5:30 for dinner or drinks and catching up with friends. We’ll meet in Schwoegler’s community room on the southern end of the building. The room is just off the southernmost entryway near the pro shop.

Elsewhere you’ll read about the official proceedings at the April meeting, which included the election of Officers and Board Members and the passage of amendments to the bylaws. This was our first meeting in two years and Schwoegler’s, our new meeting place, provided a comfortable, large room with excellent food and service. I circulated widely through our membership and heard many compliments on the quality of the food and the timeliness of the service.

Besides good food, drink and conversation, we’ll have two superb speakers:  Kimberly Kuber and Camille Bruhn of WI DNR. Both are water quality biologists in our area. Read More

Free Casting Lessons and More at the Riversmith Fly Casting Clinic

Saturday, May 7, from 9 to Noon in Cross Plains
Please join us and also pass the word along to anyone you know who is interested in learning about our sport. You can show up to learn or help teach or provide encouragement. It’s part of the larger “Trout Days” event so lots going on. The poster below has more information.

Meet Your New Board of Directors (2022)

At the April meeting, members unanimously approved the nominating committee’s slate of candidates. Thank you to each and every one for your time, talents and leadership!

President: Mark Maffit
Vice President: Topf Wells
Treasurer: Nick Jackson
Secretary: Henry Nehls-Lowe
State Council Delegate: Michael Williamson
Past President: Jim Hess
Director positions:

  • Tom Thrall
  • Kevin Maes
  • John Freeborg
  • Curt Reidl
  • Don Golembiewski
  • Pat Hasburgh

Quigley Cripple (Blue-winged Olive)

Quigley Cripple

Fountains of Youth – Classic trout flies that have withstood the test of time … flies that remain “forever young”

by Rusty Dunn

You fish among giants on a strikingly beautiful river.  Mt. Shasta (14,000+ feet) is but 45 miles to your north; Mt. Lassen (10,000+ feet) but 35 miles to your south.  They sparkle like jewels and tower over the landscape.  Your attention, however, is focused on a different jewel of similar proportions.  A 20+ inch wild rainbow gently rises just 20 feet from your rod tip.  Blue-winged olives dance in the air.  It’s an angler’s dream come true.  Hooking that trout won’t be easy because the river is slow, glassy smooth, and crystal clear.  Local trout, fur­thermore, are legendary for being ultra-selective.  But you have an advantage.  You carry a fly designed expressly for this hatch on this river by a local angler who was one of America’s most experienced, ob­servant, and creative fly tyers.  You take a deep breath and tie on the fly fatale, a size #16 Quigley Cripple. Read More

Spring Fair Fundraiser Nets over $15,000

Tenney Park

A wonderful, warm evening of food, fun and fantastic prizes
A tremendous thanks to Ben Lubchansky and his incredible planning team, as well as the prize donors and all who attended our first-of-its-kind event on April 23. The generosity of time, talent and cold hard cash will make a true difference for our precious cold water resource. These photos courtesy Kyle Zempel barely begin to do it justice.   Read More

Awesome Appreciation for our Spring Fair Fundraiser Donors

Spring Fair Fundraiser

Please thank the people who donated and consider supporting the businesses who gave so generously to help keep our event expenses very low and make it such a success! In particular, we’d like to call out 608 Community Supported Kitchen for donating the amazing food and Karben4 for donating a super selection of beer. Read More

Scouts to the Rescue: Workday recap

Davidson Creek Stream Workday

By Topf Wells

Fourteen intrepid SWTU members, veterans and rookies, young and old, showed up on Saturday, 4/30 to wrestle piles of limbs, logs, and brush into brush bundles at the Davidson site on the Sugar River.  With storms forecast, we would have got a lot done but some of us felt pressed for time and a bit overwhelmed.  Help arrived from on high and via several vehicles.  The Big Guy in Charge of Weather delayed the rain and Scout Troop 104 of Midvale Lutheran Church showed up in force.  Over a dozen Scouts and their adult leaders were eager to learn the art of brush bundling. Read More

Learn what your Board’s been up to

Minutes from SWTU Board of Director meetings can be viewed in this Google Drive. If you have questions on what you read in them, reach out to one of the Board members listed on the last page of each newsletter.

New Members – May 2022

We’re pleased to announce the addition of the following new members to our ranks! Read More