SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Oh Happy Day! We Meet Again


In-person Chapter Meeting! We’ll see you Thursday, April 7 at our new location

The SWTU Board is happy, relieved, and grateful to announce we are resuming in person membership meetings on Thursday, April 7, at Schwoegler’s Bowling Alley on Grand Canyon Drive in Madison. The meeting will start at 7 p.m. All are cordially invited to arrive any time after 5:30 for dinner or drinks and catching up with friends we have not been with for far too long. We’ll meet in Schwoegler’s community room on the southern end of the building. The room is located just off the southernmost entryway. Read More

Hairwing Caddis

Hairwing Caddis

Fountains of Youth – Classic trout flies that have withstood the test of time … flies that remain “forever young”

by Rusty Dunn

Ahhhh … April in Paris.  The good life.  Chestnuts in blossom.  A sunny sidewalk café.  Spring’s warm embrace.  Could anything be finer?  How about the warm embrace of a knock-your-socks-off spring cad­dis hatch?  One that jolts you from winter’s coma.  One that reveals just how many trout a stream really holds.  One with frenzied fish nosed up in the rif­fles, chasing pupae, slashing at emergers, nip­ping at your toes.

Spring is caddis time in trout country.  A succes­sion of hatches in April and May offers some of the best dry-fly fishing of the year.  The main event begins in mid-April with the American grannom, a group of Brachy­cen­trus spe­cies found all over the coun­try.  In the west, they’re called Mother’s Day cad­dis, and hatches are legendary.  In the east, they’re called grannoms, black caddis, apple caddis, or shadflies.  Around here, grannoms, black caddis, or (incorrectly) little black caddis are the most common names. Read More


uncle sam fly fisherMake a difference and some new friends – step up for SWTU

Nominations are now being accepted for positions on the SWTU Board of Directors. Our volunteers make a huge difference for our members, our resource and our community.

We are looking for at least two new directors and a new President as Jim Hess has (admirably) served his two-year term.

We’ll have elections this spring. If you have questions, are interested or know of someone who is, please contact any officer or board member.

Save the date: Spring Stream Workdays

Sugar River through Neperud property

By Jim Hess, Workday Chair (and SWTU President)

I am still working on the sites for a couple of the workdays, but here are the dates to put on your calendars. All are Saturdays with the work taking place from about 9 a.m. to noon.

  • April 9 – Site to be determined
  • April 30 – Site to be determined
  • May 21 – Smith Conley – 2800 Cty Rd H, Barneveld
  • June 4 – Smith Conley – 2800 Cty Rd H, Barneveld

A Special Volunteer Opportunity

As many of you know, Tom Wendleburg passed away last year and his family is donating his vast inventory of gear and equipment to be used to raise money for projects on  Black Earth Creek, Tom’s home waters. SWTU is wanting to help with this effort by selling some of this equipment and flies at our various events, which will be put into a separate account for BEC projects.

The equipment for the most part has already been inventoried by some volunteers. What we need now are volunteers to help coordinate and facilitate the selling of this equipment. Topf Wells has already agreed to help with this.

Please contact jimhess5599@gmail.com if you have questions on the workdays or to offer your help with coordinating the sale of some of Tom’s gear.

Fish Advisory on Black Earth Creek

Please see this news release from the DNR announcing that Black Earth Creek brown trout have a consumption advisory because of PFAF contamination. It has details of the advisory and links for more information about these chemicals and their possible effects on human health.

SWTU contacted DNR Fish Management upon receiving this news for more information, especially for any effects on the BEC trout population. So far, the trout with the levels of contamination that caused the advisory have been found around Cross Plains. While we should be cautious, as the DNR advisory indicates, about eating fish even at low levels of PFAFs, the DNR does not believe that the current level of contamination is one of the factors in the persistently low trout populations in downstream sections of Black Earth Creek.

Note that this is early information and we will learn more. SWTU will follow this issue closely with the DNR and other conservation organizations that work to protect Black Earth Creek and its watershed.

SWTU’S First Intern: Meet Kailee Bergee

kailee_bergeeBy Topf Wells
The  SWTU Board has just approved our first summer intern with a collaborative project with the UW-Madison Zoological Museum, Dan Oele and other WDNR biologists in southern Wisconsin. She is Kailee Bergee, a senior at UW-Madison pursuing a joint major in Zoology and Conservation Biology with an emphasis on aquatic science and fish biology.

John Lyons, longtime WDNR fisheries research scientist and supervisor (and SWTU member), proposed this project and will oversee Kailee’s work at the museum. WDNR biologists will coordinate her work with the museum, and SWTU will work with Kailee at two of our workdays. Read More

A Changing of the Guard in the Madison Fishing Community

D&S Bait and Tackle has been providing anglers on the north side of Madison, Dane County and beyond with the highest quality bait and traditional fishing tackle for over 40 years. As of March 1st, Gene and Sandy Dellinger, owners of D&S for the last 31 years, handed the reins off to SWTU’s very own Pat Hasburgh and his wife, Ashley!

Pat has been fishing his entire life, a trout angler for over 20 years, a northsider for 15 years and a SWTU Board Member much of the last decade. Have you seen the graphics on our Stream Team equipment trailer? Pat designed those. Have you ever used the SWTU MATS Map? That was his creation. Over the years he has assisted with many fundraising events and grant writing efforts, not to mention chainsawing and grilling brats on many workdays. Pat was also key to our effort in securing almost 5 miles of DNR easements in the Sawmill/Pecatonica/Gordon/Kittleson watersheds. Pat will continue his commitment to SWTU through D&S to support our club’s efforts wherever possible. Read More

New Members – March 2022

We’re pleased to announce the addition of the following new members to our ranks! Read More

Make a difference: Help out with Project Green Teen

We’re excited to (slowly) bring back opportunities to work with youth through a long-standing collaboration between SWTU and Shabazz High School in Madison! Due to district Covid precautions we can’t bring back all of the same experiences of the past, but this is a step in the right direction.

Come pass on your fly fishing knowledge with the next generation of student fly fishers at Shabazz High School through a series of workshops with Project Green Teen (PGT). Read More