SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

New Members – Winter 2022

We’re pleased to announce the addition of the following new members to our ranks! Read More

Newscasts – December 2021

This issue has lots of great information, including:

Spring event will be a first for us and we could use your help

January’s Icebreaker fundraising event is again cancelled

spring tulips

The Icebreaker will not occur this year due to venue availability and the ongoing pandemic. This cancellation means SWTU will again miss its key source of revenue and the opportunity for members and trout anglers from across the region to gather for a day of friendship, fun and learning.

This cancellation means SWTU will again miss its key source of revenue and the opportunity for members and trout anglers from across the region to gather for a day of friendship, fun and learning. The Board is discussing whether we can offer an outdoor event in April (or more probably May) with many of the Icebreaker’s best features: fun, prizes, camaraderie, instruction, tasty food and revenue for the chapter. Ben Lubchansky, our Icebreaker Chair, has graciously provided some preliminary plans for such an event. Read More

Register now: Fly Tying Courses – 2022

Fly Tying


Due to the ongoing surge of Covid-19 in Dane County and Wisconsin:

  1. Beginning Fly Tying is cancelled for 2022. Students registered for the beginning course should have received an email from Fitchburg Recreation announcing the cancellation.
  2. Intermediate Fly Tying will be taught remotely via Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 7-9PM beginning 1/19/2022 and continuing through 3/9/2022.  Students who have already registered for the intermediate course should have received an email from Fitchburg Recreation announcing the change to virtual instruction.  Additional students can register online for the Zoom course at http://www.fitchburgwi.gov/599/Recreation/recreation until 1/16/2022.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Phil Anderson at swtu-flytying@outlook.com.

Below is the original announcement with a few key areas crossed off. Read More

Sparkle Dun

Sparkle Dun

Fountains of Youth – Classic trout flies that have withstood the test of time … flies that remain “forever young”

by Rusty Dunn

Have you ever thought about the technology that con­nects you to a running trout?  Your rod is a mar­vel of engineering.  It is a hollow tube of graphite composites embedded in epoxy and pre­cisely ta­pered.  It is as light as a feather and stronger than steel.  Your fly line floats on miracle plastics infused with micro-bub­bles and coated with a secret sauce more slippery than black ice.  Your leader blends nylon and other synthetics into a co­polymer filament stronger than Spider­man’s web.  The complete outfit is a wonder of petro­chemical en­gi­neering.  But what about the fly you tie to the busi­ness end of the leader?  How much pet­rochemistry does it contain?  If you are an ex­treme purist or an avowed geezer, your flies are likely tied only of fur and feather – just the way Isaak Walton intended.  But if you learned to fly fish in the last 30 or 40 years, your flies probably con­tain a good dose of syn­thetic ma­terials.  Indeed, many flies today owe more to the influence of DuPont Chem­ical than Isaak Walton. Read More

SWTU Workday: December 4, 2021 – Williams-Barneveld Creek


 Join us for our last stream workday of the year!

Saturday, December 4 from 9 a.m. to Noon (with a site tour available afterwards)
3095 Mounds View Rd., Barneveld Read More

Workday recap: Beavers have nothing on SWTU

Workday skidsteer

By Topf Wells
On November 6, SWTU completed another productive and safe workday and saw a massive stream restoration in the process.

We cleared small  to large box elders from the upper end of the County’s restoration of Badger Mill Creek near the Park and Ride lot and the Ice Age Trail on the east (north? northeast?) end of Verona. The aim is to assist the County in creating a much healthier creek corridor with native grasses and flowers instead of the box elders. And maybe some oaks or hardwoods more desirable than the box elders? Read More

Keep your fly in the water

Bill Flader shares lessons learned from 75 years of fishing

fly on waterKeep your fly in the water, if for no other reason than that’s where the fish are, and you may be missing opportunities, as the following examples show.

Many readers will have fished for trout or salmon in Lake Michigan tributaries, or even western rivers. I’ve had hookups just by leaving line out while wading cross-current moving from place to place. Read More

New Members – December 2021

We’re pleased to announce the addition of the following new members to our ranks! Read More

Newscasts – October 2021

This issue has lots of great information, including: