SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Women’s Clinic Registration: Just a few spots left!

Registration is filling fast for the By Women for Women Beginner Fly Fishing Clinics. The Basic clinic is designed to give a broad view of fly fishing and offer an opportunity to  try it in a safe and fun environment. Skill level is not important; it is for women who know very little to those who would simply like a refresher.

The Women’s Intermediate Clinic is On the Water and is designed to improve any level of skills through individual and small group instruction. Both clinics will be held in Avalanche, Wisc. (near Viroqua in Wisconsin’s Driftless area). Read More

Learn what your Board’s been up to

Minutes from SWTU Board of Director meetings can be viewed in this Google Drive. If you have questions on what you read in them, reach out to one of the Board members listed on the last page of each newsletter or use the Contact Us page.

Newscasts – Winter 2022

This issue has lots of great information, including:

Winter 2022 Newscasts

A Christmas Gift for Southern Wisconsin Trout Anglers and Many More

Dell CreekTwas the week before Christmas and near Baraboo
A wonderful gift was about to disappear from me and you!
By Topf Wells

Groundswell Conservancy and the DNR wildlife and fish biologists had worked for months to purchase a 40 acre inholding in the DNR’s Dell Creek Hunting and Fishing Area.  The 40 acres has over 2,000 feet of double streambank frontage and a tributary.  The land has some higher spots with oaks and creek bottom.  Nancy Frost, the wildlife biologist, had advocated for this purchase for years because it would offer excellent hunting and because it filled a gap in a large tract of DNR owned lands.  Nate Nye, the fish biologist, had just completed an extensive survey of Dell Creek and its tributaries and knew that the creek is a good and improving trout stream.  Groundswell Conservancy took the lead on this purchase, as it typically and wonderfully does to improve natural resources in a broad swath of southern Wisconsin, and had all the funding lined up. Read More

Do you, Like, Facebook? Help tell our story!

Fun volunteer opportunityfacebook

Our SWTU Facebook page is one important way we share successes, create engagement, promote events and attract new members. An ad hoc group of our leaders have kept it going, and we are now looking for a volunteer to manage the page more directly and actively.

If you are savvy in the ways of social media and would like to help, please email president@swtu.org. It’s not much work or time. Other volunteers help provide pictures, details, etc. to spin into posts.



Art Flick’s Grey Fox Variant

Grey Fox Variant

Fountains of Youth – Classic trout flies that have withstood the test of time … flies that remain “forever young”

by Rusty Dunn

The behaviors of trout can be infuriating at times.  They might refuse your best imitations during a hatch but at the same time inhale some ugly concoc­tion of fur and feather that looks more like a hairball than an insect.  You might catch dozens of trout on a bright, sunny, lifeless afternoon, but next day – same time, same place – you get skunked when the weather is wonderfully overcast and may­flies emerge endlessly.  Those ob­jects of our atten­tion – the ones with the pea-sized brains – are hard to un­derstand.  But who are we to second guess the mind of a trout?  The best we can do is ex­periment with fly patterns and allow trout to tell us what they like.  Such is the case with three of the unlikeliest of classic flies” the variants, spiders, and skaters.  These flies may not look like any in­sects you’ve seen, but the angling litera­ture is full of testi­monials to their un­canny ability to enrage trout. Read More

Women’s Clinic Registration Now Open

Registration is open for the By Women for Women Beginner Fly Fishing Clinics. The Basic clinic is designed to give a broad view of fly fishing and offer an opportunity to  try it in a safe and fun environment. Skill level is not important; it is for women who know very little to those who would simply like a refresher.

The Women’s Intermediate Clinic is On the Water and is designed to improve any level of skills through individual and small group instruction. Both clinics will be held in Avalanche, Wisc. (near Viroqua in Wisconsin’s Driftless area). Read More

Attend the Fly Fishing Film Tour 2022

Barrymore Theatre, Madison
February 24, 2022 at 7:30 PM (CST)

The 16th annual F3T is back in action with a top notch selection of films that are sure to feed your fishing addiction. The 2022 show will feature locations from Costa Rica, Maryland, Belize, Louisiana, Alabama, Australia, Colombia and beyond. Follow a legendary spear fisherman across the endless atolls of Belize, watch as a mother passes her passion for fishing down to the next generation, and explore the history of one of the most legendary tarpon fisheries in the word at Casa Mar. View a trailer of this year’s film.

SWTU will have a table at the Barrymore – please drop by and say hi!

Get  your tickets at: https://www.barrymorelive.com/product/2202241.html. Note that the Barrymore may have COVID policies in place (e.g., masking, vaccinations) and to please review their website to understand them.

Fly Fishing Film Tour

Wisconsin Winner: TU National Teen Essay Contest

KyleLast year, we shared the opportunity for teens to submit an essay to National TU answering the question, ”Why are public lands and green spaces an important part of your life?”.

Wyatt Kauth, a high school junior from Oostburg was one of the six national winners. His essay starts, “Even before I could tie my own shoes, I loved fishing.” … and just gets better from there.

Click here to read Kyle’s essay. A final note is that Kyle is currently taking  part in our virtual fly tying program. Congrats, Kyle. We wish you the best and hope to see you on the water someday.

Carp are Game Fish

carpBill Flader shares lessons learned from 75 years of fishing

That’s actually the title of a book written by a Door County guide several decades ago.  Back then carp were considered “rough fish” or “bottom feeders”, and looked down upon.  Not anymore.  Have you noticed carp showing up in Orvis catalogs and similar publications?

My experience is that they are actually an ideal flyrod challenge, altho not easily fooled.  (Perhaps you’ve heard Gary Borger say “if brown trout have an IQ of 5, carp have an IQ of 8).  He would know.  They are easily spooked and must be stalked quietly, with careful casting. Read More