SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

No in-person meeting in September


Temporary pause due to COVID surge and Delta variant

With the uptick in COVID cases caused by the Delta variant and including increasing numbers of breakthrough cases, the SWTU Board has postponed the September meeting. We hope to resume meetings in October and will again ask that you only attend if vaccinated and not feeling any symptoms. It was a tough decision based on the current state of the pandemic. Please stay tuned.

And a reminder … when we do start meeting it will be at Schwoegler’s Lanes, 444 Grand Canyon Dr., Madison, WI 53719. If you know of somebody who said they’re planning to attend in September, please reach out and make sure they don’t show up at Schwoegler’s on the 14th.

Fall stream workday schedule


By Jim Hess

While indoor in-person meetings are still being figured out, we will build on the tremendous success of our spring workdays with a fabulous fall schedule Being outside significantly reduces any risks, and we may ask that people have their shots and/or wear masks. Here are the dates and locations as they stand right now. Of course, there is always a possibility of changes and more detailed information will follow. Read More

“Go anyway”

Bud & Mary's Marina

Bill Flader shares lessons learned from 75 years of fishing
My parents, both fishers, often told us, “If you’ve made plans to go fishing and the forecast is unfavorable, go anyway. It often turns out better than you expect.” Read More

Sign up for the TU DARE Bus Tour

TU DARE Bus Tour Stream Projects

Annual Fall Tour of Restored Trout Stream Projects

On October 12th Trout Unlimited – Driftless Area Restoration Effort and Southern Wisconsin Trout Unlimited are hosting the Annual Fall Tour of restored trout streams in Dane and Green County. The tour will start at 9:30 am from the parking lot of the Hyatt Place Madison/Verona (846 Liberty Drive, Verona, WI) and return to the parking lot at/around 3:30 pm. Four stops are planned for the tour. Read More

Terrific news in BECWA newsletter

Groundswell/Dane County purchased a 10-acre streambank and trail easement on Halfway Prairie Creek for streambank restoration and extension of the Wolf Run Trail that connects Mazomanie to Wisconsin Heights School. Learn more at:

BECWA is the Black Earth Creek Watershed Association, and you can learn a lot from their newsletter and website (www.becwa.org). This is an important partner organization for all who care about the cold water resource in Dane County. It’s a membership organization that is very much worth joining.

Ave Atque Vale* to Bradd Sims and Sara Rigelman

By Topf Wells

As Bradd and Sara leave for wonderful and richly deserved new jobs, they have earned the traditional Roman farewell to a great hero or heroine. They have been resolute  champions of many of our most cherished trout streams and great friends and allies of SWTU. Bradd has left the position of DNR Fish Biologist for Lafayette and Grant Counties and the lower Wisconsin River to become the DNR’s Trout Coordinator with added responsibilities for rivers. Sara is joining the DNR in the State Parks and Trails Program; among her many duties for Dane County were the trout stream easement and restoration program. When you fish the many new easements and restorations in the Blue River watershed or enjoy the thriving brook trout of the Steiner Branch, you can thank Bradd. Sara was the key figure in acquiring and restoring over 20 miles of trout streams, many in the Sugar River watershed. They always answered any request for help or information from SWTU and were great partners in some productive projects. We wish them the best.

* hail and farewell : I salute you, and goodbye

Halfway Prairie Creek walkalong

Halfway Prairie Creek map

By Topf Wells
Walked it and the recent restoration work by Dane County. It’s easily accessible from the downstream end of the Wolf Run restoration in Mazomanie. It encompasses a bit of Bla ck Earth Creek (BEC) downstream of the pedestrian bridge and several hundred yards of Halfway Prairie Creek (HPC). It does not include the confluence because HPC and BEC are on different properties at that point. Railroad ownership of part of the creek corridor is also a complication. Read More

Badger Mill Creek restoration – Creating more urban fishing opportunities

Construction for the County’s stream restoration project on Badger Mill Creek in Verona started in early August. The stream restoration project is being done in conjunction with the City of Verona’s East Side Interceptor Gravity Sewer Project, which has largely been completed. Verona started first and its restoration, best seen upstream of the Bruce St. bridge, is now complete. The County’s stretch, further upstream, has now started. The lower stretch looks good with lots of rock work. Thanks to Curt Riedl, of the SWTU Board, for his leadership on this project and the City of Verona. Dane County reports the work is progressing well on its property.

Topf Wells provides a first look at the project Read More

New Members – September 2021

We’re pleased to announce the addition of the following new members to our ranks! Read More

Newscasts – Summer 2021

This issue has lots of great information, including: