SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Honey Dun Flymph

Honey Dun Flymph

Fountains of Youth – Classic trout flies that have withstood the test of time … flies that remain “forever young”

by Rusty Dunn

Some things turn out better when done in pairs.  Lewis & Clark, Lennon & McCartney, Romeo & Juliet, Fred & Ginger, Batman & Robin, etc.  The list is long.  But where would each of these celebrities be without a cre­ative partner?  Probably a lot less famous.  Fly fishing is inherently a solitary endeavor, and this is reflected in book authorship.
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Watch the New Video on Badger Mill Creek Restoration

Many thanks to two tremendous Dane County employees – Sara Rigleman, Park Property Planner, and Theresa Nelson, Stormwater Engineer — for an interesting and educational video on Badger Mill Creek in Verona. They provide valuable background and history … and talk about the project goals and techniques. You’ll see where we are today and a peak at what the future brings. This is a valuable look at this important tributary of the Sugar River.

We again thank Sara and Theresa for taking the time to provide our members and all nature lovers with this terrific content.

MATS Map is Back!

(MATS = Madison Area Trout Streams)
Our beloved MATS map had seen over 30,000 views in the 18 months it existed when suddenly the fine folks at Google deleted it. No reason. No explanation. The MATS map was gone. SWTU member Pat Hasburgh had spent over 400 hours developing the map and was crestfa llen at the discovery. He spent hours on the phone with Google tech support and pored over countless online help forums in an effort to solve the problem but to no avail. The map was gone. The one last hope for the MATS map was that someone had copied the information so the map could be used offline. A call was put out to membership but as the weeks went on with no leads, things were looking grim. That is until our very own Tina Murray emerged with a copy of the map info saved on her computer and the MATS map has been restored! A very small amount of data was lost but will be added back in soon enough.

HUGE thanks to Tina for saving this wonderful resource for our club and the fishing community as a whole. We owe you one, Tina!

Virtually attend the Spring Wisconsin Conservation Congress

By Topf Wells
Please consider participating in the Spring Wisconsin Conservation Congress hearings that begin on April 12 at 7 p.m. and stay open for 72 hours. Visit https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/about/wcc/springhearing to view the DNR information on the questions the hearings will consider. There are four categories with questions and you will need to open each one.

Because of COVID, the hearings will be on-line, with no in-person sessions.  While this eliminates the discussion among attendees, it makes participation extremely convenient. Read More

Wisconsin Women’s Fly Fishing Clinics Update for 2021

By Tina Murray & Team
The leadership team of the WI Women’s Fly Fishing Clinics has discussed extensively which of the clinics we can offer safely given the structures of the clinics,  where we currently are now with Covid numbers, best practices, changing landscapes, Vaccinations and all the other aspects that make our heads spin.

We have collectively determined that we can safely (following best practices and adapting our activities) hold the WOWSC-intermediate clinic where 90% of the teaching and learning occurs outdoors. By asking people to be vaccinated and following CDC best practices we feel it is safely doable with these considerations.

Sadly, we realize that it would be impossible to hold the beginners clinics this year in a safe manner. The beginners clinics specifically is designed to offer personalized instruction in a framework that would be very difficult to adapt given the facilities and activities.  We do not feel that the teaching would be effective, nor that the participant would get the value of a typical clinic due to the constraints that would be imposed. For the Basics 90% of the instruction is intensive and it would be difficult to follow best practices or maintain safety to a high degree.  Above all else the instructors are committed to keeping everyone safe and are very disappointed in not being able to offer participants the full experience or value the clinics are known for. Read More

An Invite from the South Central Wisconsin Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area

On Thursday, April 22, the South Central Wisconsin Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area is hosting it’s official launch meeting! We have invited Chris Gaetzke, the Executive Director of the Lower Chippewa Invasives Partnership, to speak on the successes and the missteps that his organization experienced in their start-up phase. We would love to have organizations or individuals interested in this CISMA – at any level of participation – join us for this conversation! You can learn more on our website, or register here.

New Members – April 2021

We’re pleased to announce the addition of the following new members to our ranks! Read More

Bear Creek Video – Past, Present and Future

Please use this link to watch Nate Nye’s presentation on the Bear Creek trout fishery. Nate is the WI DNR fish biologist for Sauk and Richland Counties. He was the architect of the superb restoration of Bear Creek, which was the major project of the Aldo Leopold Chapter of Trout Unlimited for several years. Nate and our friends and neighbors accomplished great things with that restoration, as this presentation will make clear.

Nate spent over a year surveying, assessing and analyzing the trout waters in the Bear Creek watershed. You’ll find this report to be lively and incredibly thorough. From a fishing perspective, he prepares you for a great trip to Bear. From a conservation perspective, he provides a great sense of the opportunities and challenges facing Bear and the folks who want to keep it healthy.

With this and his presentation on Columbia County trout streams (which over 400 of us have watched!), Nate has given us lots of ideas for the upcoming season.

SWTU thanks Nate for the hours he spent on this presentation. He had to overcome some unforeseen technical issues. We are grateful for his perseverance in light of his workload.

Thanks, Nate!

Topf Wells

Newscasts – February 2021

This issue has lots of great information, including:

Virtual meetings

By Topf Wells

Thanks, Nate – that is, Nate Nye, WI DNR fish biologist for Columbia and Sauk Counties.

Almost 400 SWTU members and friends have watched Nate Nye’s presentation on the trout streams of the middle part of Columbia County. If you haven’t yet, check it out at https://youtu.be/NjQ4L-d9rSw. When you do, you might discover some great places to fish and you’ll also learn of some of Nate’s discoveries.  Pretty cool and heartening that Nate has found some new brook trout streams. Read More