SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Newscasts – December 2019

This issue has lots of great information, including:

SWTU Icebreaker

Projected effects of climate change on southern Wisconsin trout streams … and what SWTU can do about it

Thursday, December 12 Chapter Meeting
Join us for an evening with Dr. John Lyons, “life-long fish nerd.” He has the amazingly cool title of Curator of Fishes at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Zoological Museum, a position he has held since 1985. Doctor Lyons will share insights from a lifetime of fishing and a professional career working on ichthyology (the study of fishes), fisheries management and aquatic conservation. Important stuff!! Read More

Ring in the holiday season by giving back to our streams

December 7, 2019 Stream Team Workday (Milum Creek, Dane County)

The water level, terrain and weather forecast all look great, so we are ON for this Saturday’s workday … the last of 2019. Please plan to join us, and you don’t even have to bring bug spray!

A chance to win something amazing – when you join us, you’ll get an entry for the Stream Keeper rod built by Jim Bartelt. To celebrate our 50th, we’ve upped the ante on the rod … it’s a sweet Sage 4 wt 8’6″ model that’s perfect for our spring creeks (and retailed for $850). As in the past, we’ll draw for it at the Icebreaker event in January. Read More

Gray Wulff

Gray Wulff

Fountains of Youth – Classic trout flies that have withstood the test of time … flies that remain “forever young”

by Rusty Dunn

Before Babe Winkelman netted his first walleye, before Jimmy Houston kissed his first bass, and long before John Barrett was “Fly Fishing the World” while traveling first class, Lee Wulff (1905-1991) set the stan­dard for fly fishing videos.  If your childhood memo­ries include Saturday afternoons with a black-and-white television and leaping trophy fish, Lee Wulff was probably holding the rod.  His books, arti­cles, films, TV shows, lectures, and fishing schools inspired mil­lions on the thrills of fly fishing.  Wulff was the first true media personality of the fly fish­ing world, one whose impact has not been equaled.  Read More

Icebreaker: Your attendance and donations will make a difference!

Our daylong annual Icebreaker event will be held Saturday January 25.

 We’re excited to announce that the Icebreaker will feature Carl Haensel and Jade Tomanson of Namebini Fly Fishing. The presentation topics will focus on “Exciting and Accessible: Trips and Tactics for the Adventurous and DIY Angler in the Upper Midwest.” Read More

Steve Born to be inducted into the Wisconsin Conservation Hall of Fame

Steve BornBy Harry Peterson
Steve Born did not take up fly fishing until he was close to the age of 40.  He has made up for that neglect in the next 40 years of his life by becoming a proficient fly fisher and a conserver of trout habitat.  Those of us in Trout Unlimited know him as the former President of Wisconsin TU; Chair of the National Resources Board and National Leadership Council of Trout Unlimited; and President of President of the State Council of Wisconsin Trout Unlimited. Read More

Something to be thankful for: progress on a new easement!

For local trout anglers, Thanksgiving came a week early this year as Sara Rigelman and the Land and Water Resources Department introduced a resolution allowing the purchase of a trout stream easement on the Sugar River at the Sarabacker Farm on STH 69 just south of Paoli.

As always, the easement will not be open for fishing until the County Board passes the resolution, the County Executive approves it, and the County closes on the transaction, a process which takes several months. Read More

SWTU is in need of a “guide wrangler in training” for our wildly successful Women’s Fly Fishing Clinics

Scot Stewart is our “guide wrangler” for the Women’s on the Water Skills Clinic (Wowsc-i) held each June in Avalanche, WI. Scot has moved to the northwoods. He is willing to continue being the guide wrangler for 2020 and is willing to train a new SWTU member to take over the responsibilities for 2021.   Read More

Funding Appeal: Cold Cash for Coldwater Resources

Contruction on Gordon Creek

Your support can help us do so much more

In mid-December, our members will receive a letter asking you to contribute to a funding appeal so that we can continue and expand our work to protect and improve the trout streams we love to fish.

The letter asks you to donate money to SWTU to protect and restore our trout streams and secure your ability to fish those streams. It spells out some tremendous accomplishments and expresses many ways the money can be put to work for our streams.

Your SWTU Board and Officers unanimously support this request. Each and every one will donate to this cause.

Every cent you donate will fund efforts to improve habitat and access on our trout streams. As thanks for any donation of $50 or more, you can receive one of our new 50th Anniversary fishing caps while supplies last. Please be as generous as you can.

You can read the letter now (it has a form you can fill out and mail, or you can give now securely online). Read More

Project Green Teen

Giving some great kids a special taste of the outdoors
Each year, SWTU is proud to partner with the Project Green Teen program at Madison’s Shabazz High School to introduce them to our sport and a special slice of the great outdoors. Mark your calendar for these events and consider spending some time at your vice this winter spinning up some flies for these kids. Read More