SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

New Members – December 2019

We’re pleased to announce the addition of the following new members to our ranks! Read More

Newscasts – November 2019

This issue has lots of great information, including:

“Rusty Dunn” – columnist, fly tyer extraordinaire and historian

A Nation of Immigrants: The English Origins of American Trout Flies
Thursday, November 14 Chapter Meeting

Man. Myth. Legend. You’ve read the monthly columns, marveled at the beautiful flies and maybe even wanted to ask some questions of whoever is behind the steady stream of stellar fly tying history … not to mention the amazing, effective fish-catching flies themselves.

Well, here’s your chance! And, really … does this meeting need any more promo than that Rusty Dunn, live and in the flesh, will be at the front of the room, talking flies? One should hope not! Read More

Orange Bumble

orange bumble

Fountains of Youth – Classic trout flies that have withstood the test of time … flies that remain “forever young”

by Rusty Dunn

Fly tyers go to great lengths when crafting their imita­tions of natural insects.  Replicating size, shape, and color are always a goal, but some tyers also imi­tate subtle features such as legs, gills, eyes, and the correct number of tail fibers or seg­ments.  Those materials are then wrapped around a bent nail (a.k.a. hook) that is so conspicuous, so horri­bly unnat­ural, so out of place, that it should scream “danger” to even the most casual of trout.  If a mere shadow on the water spooks trout, why doesn’t the hook make them dash for cover?  Only trout know for sure, but under­standing why hooks don’t pro­voke fear requires thinking like a trout. Read More

A “Golden” Celebration – 50 years of SWTU

It was a great evening with fantastic food, lots of good conversation, and John Strauss provided a great snapshot of our chapter history. Find out who won awards and check out some great pictures.  Read More

Make a Difference – The Stream Team Way!

The November 16 event was cancelled due to weather conditions.

Our next and last workday of the year will be on Saturday, December 7, at Milum Creek, which is located on Fritz Road, south off of Dane County Road A.
Detailed information for this workday will be sent out at a later date.

Donation Campaign to Begin in December

Your support can help us do so much more
In mid-December, you will receive a letter from SWTU asking you to donate so that we can continue and expand our work to protect and improve the trout streams we love to fish.

We will use the funds you and your fellow SWTU members donate to support more restorations of trout streams, more easements for public fishing and restoration, and better maintenance of streams which have been restored.

Our 50th Anniversary reminded us of how much we have done. With your help and generosity, we’ll accomplish even more in our next 50 years. The Officers and Board members of SWTU unanimously support this request. Thank you for your continued support for the work we do at SWTU!

— Your SWTU Officers and Board

PS If you donate $50 or more, you’ll receive one of our 50th Anniversary caps, debuted at the Banquet.  Watch for the letter in mid-December.

Escape the cold with a Costa Rica fundraiser

Amazing opportunity from (and for) Badger Fly Fishers
Do you want to get away from the cold weather in Wisconsin this winter? Here is a fantastic opportunity to do just that! Bill Weege, a longtime Badger Fly Fishers member, has very generously donated a weeklong February 2020 sport fishing and sightseeing trip to Costa Rica for a fundraising auction.  Read More

Icebreaker: Save the date / Exciting presenters!

Your donation will make a difference

Our daylong annual Icebreaker event will be held Saturday January 25.

 We’re excited to announce that the Icebreaker will feature Carl Haensel and Jade Tomanson of Namebini Fly Fishing. The presentation topics will focus on “Exciting and Accessible: Trips and Tactics for the Adventurous and DIY Angler in the Upper Midwest.” Read More

Workday report 1: “It’s a jungle”

By Topf Wells
With help from Justin Haglund of the DNR and his crew of most excellent assistants and the Gray Langfoss family, SWTU opened the fall work day season with extraordinary productivity.  We probably had 15-20 SWTU volunteers. Read More