SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Save Badger Mill Creek

By Topf Wells

it's time to actBadger Mill Creek (BMC) is an improving Class 2 trout stream that runs through Verona and joins the Sugar River just upstream of River Road. SWTU has provided volunteer hours, funds and advocacy for over 30 years to improve BMC. It offers lots of public fishing, has a healthy population of wild brown trout, and, according to the latest DNR study, has an excellent chance of becoming a Class 1 stream if habitat is improved.

BMC’s health and the progress it’s made are now under attack. We need to protect the creek as best we can.

A key reason BMC has improved is the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) the water it contributes to the creek in the form of highly treated and aerated effluent. DNR fisheries and water quality staff have documented the improvements that’s made to increased and stable water flows and trout habitat. In some key aspects the water acts like a huge spring.

MMSD wants to stop the water as an easy and cheap way to comply with DNR phosphorus regulations. It has other affordable and practical alternatives such as treating the effluent to remove more phosphorus or pursuing Adaptive Management (AM) across the BMC and Upper Sugar watersheds. AM involves MMSD working with local governments, conservation organizations, farmers and developers to reduce urban and rural runoff. That’s the approach MMSD has taken in the Yahara Watershed.

CARPC, Dane County’s Regional Planning Commission, now reviews MMSD’s choice and recommends disapproval or approval to the DNR, which makes the final decision. CARPC will hold its only public hearing on the case on July 11 at 6 PM at the Town of Verona Town Hall at 7669 County Highway PD.

The SWTU Board respectfully asks that you contact CARPC and ask that they DISAPPROVE MMSD’s request to stop the discharge of water to Badger Mill Creek.

You must email CARPC BY JULY 10 at: tanyas@capitalarearpc.org.

Added content: The letter SWTU submitted to CARPC on July 8, 2024.

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Orange Partridge

Fountains of Youth – Classic trout flies that have withstood the test of time … flies that remain “forever young”

by Rusty Dunn

The technology of fly tying took a giant leap forward in 2,640 BC when, according to legend, a Chinese Em­press named Leizu discovered that the natural glue of silk­worm cocoons could be softened in hot water and a long thin filament of pure silk unwound from each cocoon. Read More

We’re Not Sugar; We Didn’t Melt

By Topf Wells

The forecast was a 27% chance of showers, with those being light and scattered for the last work day of the spring. Just a little off, 100% with occasionally heavy rain. But 12 SWTU volunteers had gathered at Sawmill Creek with rain gear and determination (Sally had another name for it when I returned home).

So we plunged into the mostly light rain and invasive honeysuckle thickets and emerged an hour and a half later mostly triumphant. The best water on the Pokorny easement is now visible and fishable, lots of material is ready to be brush bundled this fall, and some nice native plants now have room to grow. As a bonus, the two Jims (Hess and O’Brien) also eliminated more invasives, Dame’s Rocket and the persistently dreadful Wild Parsnip. Read More

Help Dell Creek and the Aldo Leopold Chapter …

… and See 20 professionally operated chainsaws in action.

On September 19 at 8 AM the Aldo Leopold Chapter will host a work day at the 40 acres on Dell Creek that the Leopold Chapter, SWTU, the Badger Fly Fishers, the State Council Access Fund, and Groundswell Conservancy helped purchase. The property is lovely with a long stretch of the stream, a brook trout tributary, and some extremely healthy oak uplands. It’s also almost impossible to fish because of the streamside tag alders.

That’s about to change big time. The Leopold Chapter has won the services of the 20 person Stihl Chainsaw Crew for a half day of work. 20 professionally trained sawyers with the latest and best of Stihl chainsawsc– that will be a most impressive and instructive sight. To utilize such an amazing workforce, the Leopold Chapter needs folks to haul the brush. They asking nearby chapters for help. Read More

Vets on the Fly

By Dyan Lesnik

Vets on the Fly activities are free for all Vets and their family members. All equipment is provided so just show up for their events for socialization and fishing fun. Learn more at their Facebook page.

Learn What Your Board’s Been Up To – Summer 2024

Minutes from SWTU Board of Director meetings can be viewed in this Google Drive. If you have questions on what you read in them, reach out to one of the Board members listed on the last page of each newsletter. (Note that you may need to click the “Last Modified” header at the top to sort the list with the latest minutes at the top.)

Thank you, David Rowe

Thank YouDavid Rowe has left his Fish Supervisor position at the Southern District of the DNR and will become the Lake Management Supervisor for Dane County. That is great news for Madison’s lakes; David has a superb knowledge of those lakes and some great ideas for maintaining and improving the fisheries. We offer him TU’s best wishes for a wonderful new phase of his career.

And our thanks. One of David’s great contributions to the health and fishability of our trout streams was the team of excellent biologists he assembled. They are a joy to work with and they did not just appear in their jobs out of thin air. He worked with TU DAR to assemble the team that improves access and control invasive vegetation on trout stream easements throughout southwest Wisconsin. He planned the new Black Earth Creek project east of Cross Plains which will improve the habitat, fishability, and access to the stream.

Thank you, David, and good luck!

Carp Conversation – Free event

With summer heat bearing down, July is a good time to give trout a break and pursue something else … maybe carp? Join Kalyn to learn all about this. (note from the editor: carp on the fly is technically challenging and rewarding – they surface feed and put on a tremendous fight. If you know, you know. If you don’t, maybe see what Kalyn has to say about it.) Read More

Quick link to cool content – Summer 2024

Stormwater Partnership is partnering with the University of Wisconsin Extension on a survey to gather input from residents and groups interested in protecting Dane County waters. Results from the survey will help guide future programming and resources. Please consider sharing your thoughts and concerns about our waters and actions to help protect them by completing this survey.

New Members – Summer 2024

We’re pleased to announce the addition of the following new members to our ranks! Read More