SWTU, P.O. Box 45555, Madison, WI 53744-5555 president@swtu.org

Women & Fly Fishing Happy Hour!

A women’s social event to connect with other women with interests in fly fishing.

women happy hour 2017

January 13th 2017, 6pm to…

Ale Asylum
2002 Pankratz Street
Madison, WI 53704
(608) 663-3926

A local brew pub near the airport with good food and spirits. Cash bar and food available for purchase.

Hosted by SWTU Women for other women interested in or connected to Fly Fishing: beginners, novices, experts…we welcome all levels of skill.

Oktoberfest Social Hour

SWTU is trying something new, so plan on sharing a few beers with us at the Wisconsin Brewing Company on October 9th. Save the date and watch for more details to come!

Special Stream Team Workday Building Lunker Structures Saturday, July 23, 2016


We are going to have a special workday on July 23 to build lunker structures for the Neperud property on the Sugar River, which was recently purchased by Dane County. The SEWTU Chapter will be bringing their Lunker Building Team to head up this project. They will also be bringing their grill to cook brats for lunch. Be sure to RSVP so we can get a head count for the brats.

We have extraordinary needs for this extraordinary day: a skid steer to move the lunkers from the building area to the storage area and a generator to power the corded tools (cordless tools do not have enough oomph for this work). We anticipate building around 20 lunkers … they are heavy and we do not need to move them far, but a generator and skid steer will make all the difference. If you can help with either of these items, please contact Jim Hess using the contact information below.

When: Saturday, July 23 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

What: Building lunker structures. Also a chance to meet members from the Southeast Wisconsin Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Their Lunker Building Team will be joining us for this workday and cooking brats for lunch.

Where: Sugar River – Neperud Property. South of Paoli at 1065 Hwy 69. The fire number may or may not be up. Drive south from Madison on Hwy 69, after you pass Paoli you will come to the Hamlet of Basco at Henry Road, the farm is on the west side of Hwy 69. Here is a map.

Bring: Bring work gloves, safety glasses and sturdy footwear. If you can help with the generator or skid steer noted above, please let Jim know!

Parking: Park in the U-shape drive, east of the barn.

PLEASE RSVP: RSVP to Jim Hess jim.hess@tds.net as we will need a count for ordering the brats. We look forward to seeing you there!

Remember, every workday you attend earns you an entry into the drawing for the Stream Keeper fly rod, custom-built by Jim Bartelt.

Jim Hess, Conservation Committee Chair

Newscasts – July 2016

No July or August Meetings

Per usual, we are taking the summer off and not having regular chapter meetings in July or August. The busy, hot, travel-filled summer months are not generally conducive to large meetings.

That’s not to say you can’t do anything!

  • Plan to make a special workday and picnic on July 23 … details on the next page!
  • Reach out to somebody in the Chapter and go fishing or tie flies together. Maybe somebody you haven’t fished or tied with before.
  • Not sure of anybody to fish or tie with? Contact a Board member (listed at the end of the newsletter) or make a post on our Facebook page.
  • Loan out your favorite book on fishing, or bug a friend for a fishing book to borrow.

Your loyal editor gets a respite in August and we’ll be back to when September roles around.

Somebody will win $100 in September

We’ve had no winner at the past meetings, so our You Must Be Present to Win drawing has grown to its maximum limit of $100. Please join us at our September 13 Chapter meeting where one lucky member in attendance WILL win a gift certificate to Fontana Sports Specialties.